Hercules Product Info 
Hercules Product Id.5DL59
Product DescriptionLINER DUCT 100FT 59IN 1/2IN AC 250DEG F
Unit of MeasureRL
Manufacturer Info 
Manufacturer NameJohns Manville
Brand NameJM
Part Number90005561
Product UPC662637258409
Product DescriptionJM 90005561 Flexible Duct Liner With Reinforced Coating System, 100 ft L x 59 in W x 1/2 in THK, Fiberglass
Product Features
Linacoustic RC insulation is a flexible duct liner made from strong glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin. The airstream surface is protected with JMs exclusive Reinforced Coating system, which combines our state-of-the-art Permacote acrylic coating with a flexible glass mat reinforcement to provide a smooth airstream surface.
Improves indoor building environment: Linacoustic RC duct liner improves indoor environmental quality by helping to control both temperature and sound
Resistant to dust and dirt: the tough acrylic polymer permacote coating helps guard against the incursion of dust or dirt into the substrate, minimizing the potential for biological growth
Will not support microbial growth: Permacote coating is formulated with an immobilized, EPA-registered agent to protect the coating from potential growth of fungi and bacteria
Linacoustic RC duct liner meets all requirements for fungi and bacterial resistance
Cleanability: if HVAC system cleaning is required, the reinforced coating airstream surface may be cleaned with industry-recognized dry methods
Highly resistant to water: the reinforced coating surface provides superior resistance to penetration of incidental water into the fiber glass wool core
Easy to fabricate: Linacoustic RC duct liner is lightweight and easy to handle
Minimizes pre-installation damage: Linacoustic RC duct liners reinforced coating system is highly resistant to damage that can occur during in-shop handling, fabrication, jobsite shipping and installation
Noise reduction coefficient (NRC): 0.85 (R6)
Factory-applied edge coating edge coating is factory applied to the edges of the liner core, ensuring coverage of the leading edges per NAIMA/SMACNA requirements, shop fabrication cuts may be coated with SuperSeal edge treatment
Air velocity: 6000 fpm (30.5 m/sec)
Water repellency: =6
Conductance: 0.46 Btu/hr.sq-ft.deg F
R-Value: 2.2 hr.sq-ft-deg F/Btu
Product Documents 
Document TypeDownload Link
Catalog.5DL59_Catalog (pdf)
Specification Sheet.5DL59_Specification Sheet (pdf)
SDS.5DL59_SDS (pdf)
Product Specifications 
Color Black
Coverage 491.7 sq-ft
Domestic/Import Domestic sq-ft
Finish Glass Mat
Length 100 ft
Material Fiberglass
Suitable For Use With Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating System
Temperature Rating 250 deg F
Thickness 1/2 in
Type Flexible
Width 59 in
Certifications ASTM E84|ASTM C 1071 Type I Compliant|ASHRAE 62|Canada
Country of Origin US